About Us
WKMO-99.3 Nash Icon is the oldest country station in Hardin County playing
all of the music that made country great.
Monday through Friday
Marty McFly 6-9a featuring Earl Pitts at 7:20
Talk of the Town M-F 9-10a
Lisa Manning 10-3
Stewart James 3-7 with Earl Pitts at 4:20
WRZI-107.3 The Point Rocks Central Kentucky with Classic ROCK that REALLY ROCKS!
Monday through Friday
Axe 6-10
Trevor Rice 10-3
Mac Daniels 3-7
WVKB-B101.5 specializes in the best from the 80’s 90’s and today.
Monday through Friday
Mac Daniels 6-9
Commercial Free Hour 9-10a
Chris Michaels 10-3
Trevor Rice 3-7
T.K. Live 7-Midnight